Having a hard time finding the perfect massage course for you? Doing your own due diligence work can save you a lot of time and money. Here is what you need to look for. Why do you want to learn massage? There are many different motives for attending a massage course including: Personal interest and personal development Wanting to be able to help friends and family with minor aches and pains Giving massages as a side job Adding valuable skills to your own profession Seeking a career as a massage therapist. Set up a budget. It may not make sense for you to attend a 3-year massage course for a lot of money if you are only learning so that you can massage your spouse. Determine which massage style you would like to learn: Decide whether you want to learn a hard massage style like Deep Tissue Massage or Rolfing or softer massage techniques such as Ayurvedic massage or lymph drainage, massage with accessories like hot stones, etc. Checkbooks, magazines or on the Internet...